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Each chakra corresponds to an area of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical wellbeing.

The Sanskrit word chakra (pronounced “CHOCK-rah”) means wheel, which refers to the spinning energy in each of the seven main chakras. Each chakra corresponds to an area of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being. Because our body wants to achieve energetic balance in our chakras, moving too far in either direction (underactive or overactive) in any one chakra can actually produce negative effects in our bodies and be counterproductive to the energy body and chakra healing process. For example, an underactive chakra kicks another chakra into overdrive, which in turn pulls extra energy away from that part of the body.

When imbalanced our physical and energy body is going to keep sending us its message—snowballing the intensity if it needs to—until we pay attention and engage in physical, mental, emotional and energetic chakra healing.



Are you listening?

Not sure where to Start?

7 Main Chakras


1st – Root (Red): Physical Existence

Governs our sense of survival, belonging and family ties. When imbalanced root chakra may present as chronic fear, anxiety.


2nd - Sacral (Orange): Emotions & Intimacy

Governs our emotions, passion, creativity. When imbalanced sacral chakra may present as feelings of isolation, fear of change, over emotional


3rd Solar Plexus (Yellow): Power & Identity

Governs our self-worth, self-confidence. When imbalanced may present as feelings of being stuck in a rut, low self-esteem


4th Heart (Green): Love & Connection

Governs our feelings of love, inner peace, happiness. When imbalanced may present as feelings of loneliness, anti-social, jealousy


5th Throat (Blue): Self-Expression & Life Purpose

Governs our communication of the truth. When imbalanced may present as feeling lack of purpose, fear of speaking or no filter when speaking.


6th 3rd Eye (Indigo): Clear Perspective & Psychic Abilities

Governs our imagination & wisdom. When imbalanced feelings of self-doubting, indecisive, lack trust of intuition


7th Crown (Violet/White): Connection to Spirit & Wisdom

Governs our spiritual connection. When imbalanced feelings of depression, overthinking, cynical.

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Firstly, ask yourself 'How do I really FEEL?'
Let me assist you!

Journaling for a mere 5 minutes a day, is a great tool, to see the patterns of our emotional &/or physical reactions. These feelings may relate to one or more of the 7 chakras. By connecting to these feelings, you can start creating a more balanced energy flow.


Together we will create a personalised Chakra Wellness Plan that will support and empower you in your path of self-healing. As your practitioner I will assist you in your balancing and give you the tools that will best serve in your healing.


Simply starting your day with saying a 2-minute affirmation like ‘I can do anything I set my mind to’, will begin your day with positive energy uplifting your spirits.

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Simple things like: -colour therapy, affirmations, basic yoga poses, essential oils, sound, crystals/ gems, meditation, are the numerous methods used to balance your chakras.


I will be working with you in your energetic system, by gently guiding your awareness to where emotions are that maybe causing imbalances in your chakra/s.


Fees: -

                          1-hour session                                             $110



To discover an empowered balanced you, book a session today

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